A wedding band, or some other piece of gold jewelry-for many people, these things are almost too valuable to put a price on. Perhaps you own such a ring yourself. But while the ring as a symbol may indeed be priceless, the gold certainly is not. Gold comes with a price-a heavy one. Gold is costing the planet and its peoples far more than the metal itself is worth.
Our Mission
By limiting our consumption of gold, we can make an impact on the damage done to our environment and society. The most obvious solution is to avoid buying or using gold wherever possible. Ironically, the easiest gold product to give up - jewelry - is also the most abundant. If gold jewelry was no longer a worldwide obsession, it is likely that we could sustain our other needs for gold without ever cutting another hole in the earth.
The next time you are thinking about purchasing a gold watch, necklace, or ring, ask yourself these questions:
"Will wearing this gold jewelry make me happier?"
"Can this item make me a better person?"
"Would my money be better spent on something else?"
Consider what you could do with the money that you would save by electing not to buy that gold item. If you choose an affordable alternative to gold, you could use the difference to save for your retirement, your child's education, or donate to a worthy charity.
Some gold alternatives include anti-tarnish brass and silver. Although these metals have a better reputation for social and environmental impact, they should also be used sparingly whenever possible.
If gold is a must, consider buying from a jeweler that uses only recycled gold - made from previously owned jewelry and objects.
In addition to reducing our consumption of gold, we can also seek changes in the way that it is collected, extracted and used. The No Dirty Gold campaign is an excellent - and successful - organization that helps to support groups who are attempting to improve the way that we harvest gold around the world. They work with retailers, governments, mining companies and even celebrities in an attempt to spread the word about poor mining practices. You can read about some of their achievements and activities on their website, as well as sign the pledge to say "No Dirty Gold!"
Spreading awareness about the true price of gold is also an important responsibility for those who wish to see change. The more informed we are about the products that we buy, the better we can be at making decisions for our future. If you were surprised or concerned by any of the information that you found here, please share it with a friend.
The next time you are thinking about purchasing a gold watch, necklace, or ring, ask yourself these questions:
"Will wearing this gold jewelry make me happier?"
"Can this item make me a better person?"
"Would my money be better spent on something else?"
Consider what you could do with the money that you would save by electing not to buy that gold item. If you choose an affordable alternative to gold, you could use the difference to save for your retirement, your child's education, or donate to a worthy charity.
Some gold alternatives include anti-tarnish brass and silver. Although these metals have a better reputation for social and environmental impact, they should also be used sparingly whenever possible.
If gold is a must, consider buying from a jeweler that uses only recycled gold - made from previously owned jewelry and objects.
In addition to reducing our consumption of gold, we can also seek changes in the way that it is collected, extracted and used. The No Dirty Gold campaign is an excellent - and successful - organization that helps to support groups who are attempting to improve the way that we harvest gold around the world. They work with retailers, governments, mining companies and even celebrities in an attempt to spread the word about poor mining practices. You can read about some of their achievements and activities on their website, as well as sign the pledge to say "No Dirty Gold!"
Spreading awareness about the true price of gold is also an important responsibility for those who wish to see change. The more informed we are about the products that we buy, the better we can be at making decisions for our future. If you were surprised or concerned by any of the information that you found here, please share it with a friend.